Optimizing Your Advertising Inventory
Viant offers our clients one of the highest breadth and depth of omnichannel advertising inventory available across the programmatic landscape through our Viant DSP. No matter your inventory needs, Viant's DSP is equipped to help you audit, select and optimize it over time.

Integrated Performance
Regression models are used in the Viant DSP across the bid landscape to find the best supply partners, formats and impressions based on our clients' goals. Viant's team of data scientists works to calibrate models that help our clients do more with less.
Viant also leverages Bid Multipliers which allows users to make bid adjustments without creating additional orders and calibrate bid settings across various dimensions, including domain, creative and designated market area (DMA). In addition, machine learning paired with user intervention methods in the Viant DSP creates unparalleled levels of performance, scale and brand safety.
Real-time bidding is a shared marketplace of inventory where buyers and sellers can programmatically transact advertising inventory. These auction environments allow advertisers to be hyper-selective of targeting variables while being flexible with delivery time and cost. Unrivaled access to omnichannel inventory sources with access to pre-curated block and allow lists are offered in Viant's DSP to help safeguard navigation through the open market, and our team is here to help if challenges arise.
Hundreds of PMP deals structured based on various advertiser objectives (e.g., high viewability or completion rates) are offered in the Viant DSP. These PMP options as well as allowing our clients to build custom PMPs, can help bypass red tape. In addition, clients can bring their own Deal IDs into the platform, ensuring they are focused on the right bid opportunities that will drive real value for their programmatic efforts.
Above all, Viant is here to help connect brands with the right advertising inventory that matters. We also offer our own off-the-shelf curated PMP deals based on our clients' programmatic strategies in Viant's DSP.
Programmatic Guaranteed deals are structured private marketplace (PMPs) that require a publisher to promise impressions or "yield" through a specific client deal. Not every publisher or supply partner (SSP) offers this type of deal, but where offered, Viant can support these deals already pre-negotiated by our clients, help source PG deals on behalf of our clients as well as consult with clients to help surface PG opportunities during needs-analysis discussions.

Discover how Viant's Household ID™ targeting with people-based B2B partner integrations generated 11.5x ROAS and 39% lift in conversions.